1. 招生范围包括学历教育和非学历教育,学历教育有博士、硕士、学士,非学历教育有汉语进修生、专业进修生和研究学者。
2. 以南亚、东南亚国家为主,兼顾其他国家。
1. 非中国籍公民,身体健康;
2. 学历和年龄要求:
2. 经过公证的最高学历证明和学习成绩单;如申请人为在校学生或已就业,需另外提交本人就读学校出具的在学证明或就业单位出具的在职证明;中英文以外文本需附中文或英文的译文;
3. HSK成绩单;
4. 来华学习或研究计划(本科生不少于300字,进修生不少于400字,研究生不少于500字),用中文或英文书写;
5. 申请硕士、博士学位和研究学者奖学金,须提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,用中文或英文书写;
6. 《外国人体格检查记录》(由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制)复印件;用英文填写;
7. 无犯罪记录证明。以上材料请按上述顺序在左上角装订成册(一式两册)。无论录取与否,申请材料均不返还。
1. 我校将组织专家对申请人的申请材料进行评审,遴选出预录取人选,预录取名单报云南省教育厅,审批后获得奖学金生资格。
2. 省教育厅一般于7月初将奖学金生录取名单通知我校,我校于7月31日前通知学生本人,并协助奖学金获得者办理《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》等有关手续;
3. 奖学金获得者原则上不得变更学习专业及学习期限;
4. 不能按录取期限来华学习者,奖学金资格不予保留。
联 系 人:陈 亮,李顺琴,云建辉
传 真:+86-871-65819249
Academic Year 2017-2018
I. Supporting Category
1) Both Degree (Bachelor’s Program, Master’s Program and Doctoral Program) students and Non-degree (Chinese Language Learning Students, Visiting Students and Scholars) can apply for this scholarship;
2) Mainly for South Asia and Southeast Asia countries’ students.
II. Eligibility
1) Non-Chinese and being of good health;
2) Requirements for education history and age:
-for Bachelor’s degree program (4 years), applicants should hold a High School Graduation Certification with excellent performance, and be under the age of 25;
-for Master’s degree program (2-3years), applicants should hold a Bachelor’s Degree with excellent performance, and be under the age of 35;
-for Doctoral Program, applicants (3 years) must hold a Master’s Degree with excellent performance, and be under the age of 40;
-for Chinese Language Learning Students (1-2 years), applicants (with or without knowledge of Chinese) should hold a High School Graduation Certification, and be under the age of 35;
-for Visiting Students(1-2 years), applicants should choose their previous majors and have studied for two years in universities or hold a Bachelor’s Degree, and be under the age of 45;
-for Visiting Scholars (1-2 years), applicants(with recommendations from at least 2 (associate) professors) should pursue further learning on a certain topic with the guidance of a professor in our university. Applicants should hold a Master’s Degree, and be under the age of 50.
-All applicants (except Chinese Languages Learning Students) should have certain basis for Chinese and provide HSK certificate.
IV. Majors
All majors of YNAU are open to international students. Please Visit
http://english.ynau.edu.cn/NEWS_AND_EVENTS.htm or
http://gjxy.ynau.edu.cn/xwgg/xwkd.htm for Majors information.
V. Application Procedures
Applicants are required to provide the following application materials and send the original and copy of them by post to International College of YNAU.
1) Application Form for Yunnan Provincial Government Scholarship Program, the original copy and photocopy, complete in Chinese or English.
2) Copy of the applicant's highest academic degree certificate notarized by a public notary. Those who are currently studying in a college or university are required to provide certification of their student status (provided by the college or university). Those who are employed after graduation are required to provide certification of their employment status (provided by their employer). Certificates/certifications written in languages other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by a notarized Chinese or English Version.
3) The copy of valid HSK certificate;
4) Study Plan in English or Chinese (no less than 300 words for Bachelor’s Degree applicant, no less than 400 words for Master’s Degree applicant, and no less than 500 words for PhD Degree applicants).
5) Two Recommendation Letters (written in Chinese or English); Applicants for Master or Doctor Degree must submit two recommendation letters signed by a professor or an associate professor
6) Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form(written in English, can be downloaded from http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua or http://www.campuschina.org);
The physical examinations must cover all of the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete forms or forms without the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are considered as invalid. Please carefully you’re your physical examination schedule as the result is valid for only 6 months.
7) Non-Criminal Record.
Notice: Please organize all materials in order of 1-7 and stapled on top left corner (original and one copy) and send to YNAU by post. The materials are not returnable.
VI. Admission
1) Our university will invite experts to assess all applicants’ materials and report the pre-enrollment list to Yunnan Provincial Department of Education for final examination;
2) The final enrollment list will be sent to our university around July. Before 31st July, we will inform the awarded applicants by E-mail, and begin the process of enrollment;
3) Scholarship recipients shall not change their field of study, or duration of study unless they give up the grant;
4) Scholarship will not be reserved if scholarship recipients cannot register before the registration deadline.
VII. Deadline
Application materials must be sent to International Students’ Affairs Office, International College of Yunnan Agricultural University by post before April. 30thst, 2017. Late delivery and/or incomplete information may result in failure to receive the award.
VIII. Contact Information
Mr. CHEN Liang, Ms. LI Shunqin, Ms YUN Jianhui
Tel: 0086-871-65227252
Fax: 0086-871-65819249
Email: studyinynau@outlook.com
Website of International College of YNAU: http: //gjxy.ynau.edu.cn/
Website of Yunnan Agricultural University: http://www.ynau.edu.cn/
Postal Address: International College, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, China. 650201.
IX. Notes:
1) E-mail is the first choice for our school to contact the applicants, so please ensure that the e-mail address in the application form is the most often used one and be effective. The applicants shall be responsible for all the consequences caused by the failure to check the mails in time;
2)"Study Plan" is quite critical, so please write your own research and study plan. If you have published papers or research results, please attach them too;
3) Make sure that your passport won’t expire in at least one year (valid before January 1, 2018). If not, please renew or extend your passport before you apply. Applicants shall take full responsibility if the information does not match during any stages, especially while registration.
International Students’ Affairs Office
International College
January 12th, 2017