Major of Civil Engineering (Chinese-foreign Cooperatively-runEducation Project)
The major ofCivil Engineering(Code:081001H)is a Chinese-foreignCooperatively-runEducationProject(MOEApproval CertificateNo.:MOE53UK2A20141686N)and isjointlyrunby YNAU and University of Wolverhampton(UoW)in the UK. It was approved by the Ministry of Education(MoE)in January 2015 and passedMOEqualification assessment in 2019.
Founded in 1931, University of Wolverhampton is the fifth largest public university in the UK and one of the first British universities to announce mutual recognition of academic qualifications between the Chinese and British governments. The university ranks 20th in the UK in the major of Civil and Environmental Engineering.Relies on the teaching and internship resources of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering of YNAU, this project introduces the high-quality educational resources of Civil and Environmental Engineering from UoW, carrying on a four-year academic schooling. It adopts a “4+0” mode in which the students would study in YNAU for four years, complete all training contents within the specified years of study. Those who meet the graduation requirements and degree awarding conditions of YAU and UoW at the same time can obtain the undergraduate diploma and the Bachelor of Engineering degree of YAU and the Bachelor of Science degree of UoW.
By December 2022, the Project has continuously enrolled students for eight years. There are 326 students on campus currently and 228 graduates from four graduations.So far, this Projectis the only interdisciplinary Chinese-foreign cooperatively-runEducationProjectin Yunnan Province that combines Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering while focusing on construction and environmental protection. It is an urgently needed discipline in the social and economic construction of China and Yunnan province.
Up: Thedelegation ofUniversity of Hooverhamton, UKvisitedouruniversity
Down: Ouruniversity faculty and students ofcivil engineering major (Sino foreign cooperative education project) went to the University of Hooverhamton in the UK for summer internshipin August 2018