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​Dr. Marina Bock

发布日期:2023年10月31日 16:08  作者:  来源:  点击:

Dr. Marina Bock


Dr Marina Bock is a Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering for the School of Architecture and Built Environment of the University of Wolverhampton since 2017. She studied her MEng in Civil Engineering (5-year course) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain and was awarded funding by the Catalan Government to pursued a Ph.D. During her Ph.D she delivered project SAFSS (Structural Applications of Ferritic Stainless Steel), a major European project involving 8 partners funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) under the contract RFSR-CT-2010-00026 (https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/30022; 91k€ UPC part, Jun '10-Jul '13) and She was also part of the team at UPC delivering the project "Structural behaviour of ferritic stainless steel structures" funded by the Ministry of Revenue and Competitivity of Spain under the contract BIA 2012-36373 (137k€ , Jan ’13 – Dec ’15). During her Ph.D she was also a visiting researcher at Imperial College London between January and June 2013. Her Ph.D research resulted in 6 journal publications and directly contributed to the development of the design code for structural stainless steel EN 1993-1-4. During her P.hD research, Dr Marina Bock supported EN 1993-1-4 Evolution Group activities.

玛丽娜·博克博士自2017年起担任弗汉顿大学建筑与建环境学院土木工程高级讲师。她曾在西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学(UPC攻读土木工程硕士学位5年课程),并获得加泰罗尼亚政府的资助攻读博士学位。在攻读博士期间,她交付了铁素体不锈钢的结构应用(SAFSS)项目,该项目是由煤炭和钢铁研究基金RFCS)根据RFSR-CT-2010-00026合同资助的8个合作伙伴参与的欧洲重大项目https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/300229.1欧元UPC部分,610日至713日),她UPC团队的一员,负责交付由西班牙税收和竞争部根据合同BIA 2012-3637313.7欧元,113125)资助的铁素体不锈钢结构的结构行为项目。在攻读博士期间,她还在20131月至6月期间担任帝国理工学院的访问研究员。她的博士研究成果在6篇期刊上发表,并直接为结构不锈钢设计规范EN 1993-1-4的制定做出了贡献。在博士研究期间,玛丽娜·博克博士支持了欧洲标准EN 1993-1-4进化小组的活动。

On completion of her Ph.D in February 2015, she moved to the UK where she was appointed as a bridge engineer for AECOM to inspect, assess and design a wide variety of structures. She was part of the Northern hub and Electrification Alliance involved in the structural design of the Orshall Chord, a new link enabling rail connection between three main Manchester train stations (£1.9M, Sep ’14 and commissioned in July ‘16 but involved from March 2015-January 2016).

20152月完成博士学位后,她移居英国,被任命为AECOM的桥梁工程师,负责检查、评估和设计各种结构。她是北方枢纽和电气化联盟的一员,参与了Orshall Chord的结构设计Orshall Chord是一条连接曼彻斯特三个主要火车站的新线路20149月投入190万英镑,20167月投入使用,20153月至20161参与项目)。

In February 2016, Dr Marina Bock started working in Industrial Research & Development for Tata Steel UK in the Structural Design and integrity team. She worked on several projects including BASSE (Building Active Steel Skin) a £1.1 M European project funded by RFCS under RFSR-CT-2013-00026 (https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/767032) for which she was involved at both technical and managerial level.

