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Khaled Hatfield

发布日期:2023年10月31日 16:11  作者:  来源:  点击:

Khaled Hatfield


Mr. Khaled Ayad is a current PhD student at the University of Wolverhampton with over five years of experience teaching transportation, mathematics, and management up to master’s level. His background is mathematics for BSc abd a master’s in education. He has published papers in many UK conferences relating to transportation. His area of research is around the last mile of the delivery process, focussing on finding innovative ways to make this process more efficient. He has also managed large projects in the past relating to IT and technology, specifically around robotics and education, for which he runs a company. His passion lies around education and giving people who are less privileged an equal opportunity. He strongly believes in educational technology as a form of transforming the future.

