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发布日期:2023年10月19日 17:28  作者:  来源:国际学院  点击:

金胜贤 教授,博士

Mr. Kim Seung-Hyun (Professor and Doctor)


Brief Introduction: Professor of the Environmental Landscaping Department of Sangji University, graduated from Jeju National University with the Major of Horticulture. Dedicated to the research on planting, management, cultivation and reproduction of landscape trees, development of autogenous trees and flowers, etc. Current Director of Traditional Industry Center of Sangji Youngseo College, Member of Environment Evaluation Committee of Wonju Regional Environmental Administration, Member of Wonju City Planning Committee, Council Member of Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture.

主要著作及特许:《2008 年,特许,第 ZL 03 8 25300. 3 号 球根植物的剥落,制造方法及使用它的植物栽培方法。国际特许,中国》(特许,2008

Main Works and Licensed Patents:

2008, Licensed Patent, No. ZL 03 8 25300. 3, Peeling, Processing and Cultivating Methods of Bulbous Plant. International Patent, China (Licensed Patent, 2008).

2007 年,特许,第 ZL 03 8 25397. 6 号 植物种子剥落,制造方法及使用它的植物栽培方法。国际特许,中国》(特许,2007

2007, Licensed Patent, No. ZL 03 8 25397. 6, Peeling, Processing and Cultivating Methods of Plant Seeds. International Patent, China (Licensed Patent, 2007).

2006 年,特许,第 10-0647255 号 球根植物的剥落,制造方法及使用它的植物栽培方法》(特许,2006

2006, Licensed Patent, No. 10-0647255, Peeling, Processing and Cultivating Methods of Bulbous Plant. (Licensed Patent, 2006).
