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发布日期:2023年10月23日 17:46  作者:  来源:  点击:

李钟成 教授,博士

Mr. Lee Jong-Sung (Professor and Doctor)

简介:韩国尚志大学造景专业教授,毕业于韩国庆熙大学造景专业并长期从事造景计划及设计、景观模拟、景观生态/GIS_RS、景观名胜等方面的理论研究。现担任韩国江原道建筑委员会委员(造景领域),国立文物厅天然纪念物分科文物专门委员(景观/名胜) 。曾在韩国环境科学会、韩国传统造景学会发表多篇论文,荣获江原道城市规划委员会江原道支社表彰状、最优秀论文奖等多个奖项。

Brief Introduction: Professor of the Environmental Landscaping Department of Sangji University, graduated from KyungHee University with the Major of Landscape Architecture. Long term theoretical research experience in landscape planning and design, landscape simulation, landscape ecology/GIS_RS, scenic spots and other aspects. Current Member of Construction (Landscaping) Committee of Gangwon-do, Designated Committee Member of Cultural Relics of Natural Monuments Division (Scenic Spots) of National Cultural Relics Department. Published multiple papers on Korean Society of Environmental Sciences and Korean Society of Traditional Landscape Architecture, obtained multiple awards, as in Commendation Certificate from Gangwon-do Branch of Gangwon-do Urban Planning Committee, Best Paper, etc.

主要著作及特许:《庭院设计的 27 种历史类型/ 1 (Design Fox2014) 《景观理解(Understanding Landscape/ 1 (Nu Ri E2006) 《电脑造景设计实践(Computer Landscape Design)/ 1 (图书出版大家2006) 《造景基础 GIS_RS 实践》(Chaek Nim Deul, 2006)3D 造景设计表现(3D Landscape Design Presentation/ 1 (Chaek Nim Deul, 2006) 《造景设计模拟(Landscape Design Simulation(Chaek Nim Deul, 2006)  

Main Works and Licensed Patents:

27 Historical Types of Garden Design (Design Fox, 2014);

Understanding Landscape (Nu Ri E, 2006);

Computer Landscape Design (Master Publishing House, 2006);

Landscaping Basics, GIS_RS Practice (Chaek Nim Deul, 2006);

3D Landscape Design Presentation (Chaek Nim Deul, 2006);

Landscape Design Simulation (Chaek Nim Deul, 2006).
