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发布日期:2023年10月23日 17:51  作者:  来源:  点击:

朴银晶  副教授,博士

Ms. Park Eun-Jung (Associate Professor and Doctor)


Brief Introduction: Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Landscaping of Sangji University, graduated from Sangmyung University with the Major of Environmental Landscaping. Multiple literature publications have been commended by the Minister of Environment and the Director of Wonju Regional Environmental Administration. Participated in multiple natural environment competitions, rural culture competitions and won the Minister of Culture and Tourism Award in the the republic of  Korea Landscape Competition (Public Sector).

主要著作及特许:《商标权》(特许,2013) 《关于老人的公园使用和满意度的研究》(韩国环境生态学会杂志,2020 《大岩山小龙沼泽及婴儿龙沼泽生态现况分析》(韩国韩晶修复技术学会杂志,2014) 《东江生态景观保护区内生活小区的造景规划》(韩国环境修复技术学会杂志,2013

Main Works and Licensed Patents:

Trademark Right (Licensed Patent, 2013);

Research on Park Usage and Satisfaction of Old People (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2020);

Ecological Status Analysis on Dragon Swamps of Daeamsan (Korean Society for Environmental Remediation Technology Journal, 2014);

Landscape Planning of Living Quarters in Tung Chiang Ecological Landscape Protection Area (Korean Society for Environmental Remediation Technology Journal, 2013).
