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发布日期:2023年10月23日 17:47  作者:  来源:  点击:

基京锡 副教授,博士

Mr. Kee Kyung-Seok (Associate Professor and Doctor)


Brief Introduction: Associate Professor of the Environmental Landscaping Department of Sangji University, graduated from the University of Seoul with the Major of Landscaping. Current Office Director of Planning Evaluation Department of Sangji University with long term commitment to teaching and researching on environmental ecology.

主要出版刊物:《通过蝉和蚱蝉研究影响蝉鸣开始及结束的环境因素》(韩国环境生态学会杂志,2018) 《城市和山林地区蝉科繁殖的鸣叫声差异研究》(韩国环境生态学会杂志,2018) 《气候变化引起的蝉繁殖时的鸣叫不同时期变化的研究》(韩国环境生态学会杂志,2018)   《自然公园和城市公园的 Soundscape 特性差异》(韩国环境生态学会杂志,2017) 《三球悬铃木和山榆树的树冠部与微气候之间的相互关系》(韩国环境生态学会杂志,2016<Water Temperature and Sound Environment Characteristics of Huanren Brown Frog Oviposition Sites>(韩国环境生态学会杂志,2016) 《城市热带夜现象及灯光污染对蝉鸣的影响》(韩国环境生态学会杂志, 2015

Main Published Works:

Research on Environmental Factors that Affect the Beginning and Ending of Cicada's chirping through Cicadas and Grascicada (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2018);

A Study on the Differences in the Songs of Cicada Family Reproduction in Urban and Mountain Forest Areas (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2018);

A Study on the Changes in the Songs of Cicada Reproduction During Different Periods Induced by Climate Change (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2018);

Differences in the Soundscape Characteristics between Natural Parks and Urban Parks (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2017);

The Interrelationship between the Crown and Microclimate of Platanus Orientalis and Mountain Elm Trees (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2016);

Water Temperature and Sound Environment Characteristics of Huanren Brown Frog Oviposition Sites (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2016);

The Impact of Tropical Night Phenomenon and Light Pollution on Cicada Singing in Cities (Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Ecology, 2015).
