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发布日期:2023年10月23日 17:54  作者:  来源:  点击:

李学俊  副教授,博士

Mr. Lee Hsueh-Chun (Associate Professor and Doctor)


Brief Introduction: Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Landscaping of Sangji University, graduated from the University of Washington with the Major of Forest Resources.


Main Research Direction: Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration.

主要发表刊物:ssessing sustainable bamboo-based income generation using a value chain approach: Case study of Nongboua village in Lao PDR (Forests, 2021)

Evaluation and improvement of forest watershed management projects in Korea (Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020)

Application of GeoWEPP to determine the annual average sediment yield of erosion control dams in Korea (Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020)

Main Published Works:

Assessing Sustainable Bamboo-Based Income Generation Using a Value Chain Approach: Case Study of Nongboua Village in Lao PDR (Forests, 2021);

Evaluation and Improvement of Forest Watershed Management Projects in Korea (Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020);

Application of GeoWEPP to Determine the Annual Average Sediment Yield of Erosion Control Dams in Korea (Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020).
