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发布日期:2023年10月23日 17:54  作者:  来源:  点击:

尹泰景 博士,副教授

Mr. Yoon Tae-Kyung (Doctor and Associate Professor)


Brief Introduction: Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Landscaping of Sangji University, graduated from Korea University with the Major of Environmental Ecology, former lecturer of Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering Department of KyungHee University; current Member of State Owned Forest Management Consulting Committee of the Northern Regional Mountain and Forest Department, Council Member of Korea National Forest Research Society, Distinguished Researcher of Natural Environment Research Office of Korea Environment Institute. Once won the title of Excellent Research Instructor of the 2021 Industry University Cooperation Team (Excellent Award in Natural Engineering).

主要著作及特许:原州市森林综合计划制定劳务(原州市厅);第3次国立公园可行性调查标准及自然公园制度改善准备(环境部);山林资源培育领域事业分析及政策方向重新设定(山林厅 ); 环境·经济综合分析的环境价值综合研究:构建环境·经济综合分析系统(KEI)献仁陵生态景观保护区管理计划建立研究(首尔特别市)

Main Works and Licensed Patents:

Comprehensive Labor Planning of Wonju Forest (Wonju City Hall);

Standards for the 3rd National Park Feasibility Survey and Preparation for the Improvement of the Natural Park System (Ministry of Environment);

Business Analysis and Policy Orientation Reset in the Field of Mountain and Forest Resource Cultivation (Mountain and Forest Department);

Comprehensive Research on Environmental Value in Environmental and Economic Analysis: Building the Comprehensive Environment-Economy Analysis System (Korea Environment Institute, KEI);

Research on the Establishment of Management Plan of Seonjeongneung Ecological Landscape Protection Area (Seoul Special City).
